You may cancel up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment without being charged a fee. Cancellations must be made by calling the salon or through our mobile app. By entering your credit card information when booking an appointment, you agree to accept a 50% cancellation fee per service if you cancel within the 24 hour window.
You agree to accept a 100% no call/no show fee per service if there is zero communication made to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment you may be subject to not receiving your full service and/or we may need to reschedule your appointment.
A credit card will be stored in order to book an appointment but will not be charged at the time of booking the appointment. The only time a credit card will be charged is at the time of payment or if there is a cancellation or no-show within the 24 hour window. By providing your credit card you are agreeing to our cancellation & no show policy.
A credit card is to be stored when a person wants to pay for another person’s services in advance. The services the customer receives is typically different then what they are booked for. We will run the credit card once the services are complete to make sure they are being charged correctly.